- Try to convince hoomins that everyone needs to just love one another. After all, bunnies look different from one another but we recognize that inside, we’re all bunnies! Why can’t hoomins do the same?
- Wear a mask. We bunnies don’t understand what is so difficult about this. If we could wear masks to protect ourselves from the virus that is killing rabbits we totally would. Instead, we have to wait for the hoomins in the US to try to make a vaccine just like you do for COVID. Wear the mask! We wish we could!
- Stay at least six feet away from one another. Let’s face it, we bunnies love a good snuggle with our friends and loved ones but we are not all that into strangers AT ALL. Keep your distance!
- Recognize that all bunnies might not have it as good as we do. Let’s face it, a lot of us have pretty cushy lives. We have clean litter boxes, fresh water, hay, and treats (though never as many as we would ideally enjoy). Some bunnies might not be this lucky and we need to remember this. Sometimes you have to put yourself in someone else’s paws and be empathetic. If we can do it so can hoomins.
- Be kind to one another. Many of you hoomins can be very kind to animals (though some of you cannot and we DO NOT LIKE YOU) but you aren’t nice to other hoomins. See #1.
- Ok, it’s time for me to have a treat as this writing thing is getting kind of boring and there is nothing for me to chew. Please help me complete this list though. What would you say to a hoomin if you knew they would understand you???
A Note from Blue: If I Could Talk to Hoomins I Would…
July 8, 2020